Over the years I’ve done quite a bit of beauty maintenance at home: perms, coloring, waxing, plucking etc. But I’ve never given myself a glycolic peel at home and apparently now you can! I was sent the AHA Brazilian Peel, which is a professional strength glycolic acid do-it-yourself peel. I was a bit apprehensive about trying this product but once I did a little research, my mind was put at ease. I was mostly worried about the possibility of chemically burning my skin but the peel has a time released neutralizer that deactivates the glycolic acid within 10 minutes. The product was even left on test subjects for hours without any adverse reaction so I felt much more confident about trying it out! The treatment contains 30% glycolic acid with Acai (used as an antioxidant) and is used to firm skin, reduce fine lines and brighten the complexion. Sold!
The Brazilian Peel is meant to be used is a series of four weekly treatments.
The kit contains four pre-measured vials with two chambers, one contains the peel and the other contains the neutralizer.
The peel is activated once the peel and the neutralizer are mixed together in the palm of your hand. The mixture got a little warm but not hot enough to burn or cause discomfort. I applied the gel mixture to my face, waited 10 minutes and then rinsed it off with cool water. I will also say that there was NO irritation or redness at all and I have very sensitive skin. Overall there was not any noticeable difference in brightness or with fine lines but my skin did feel like I just had a facial. I still have three remaining treatments so I will follow up with before and after photos of my next treatment. So stay tuned until I report back!
Available at Sephora, Sephora.com for $78
Laura Connell says
Sounds good. Facial for me is all about pampering so I prefer if somebody else does it for me 🙂
Nicole says
Oh I agree 100% but I think that this is a great alternative if you’re on a budget.