Flawless, good-looking skin is something all women desire. It is an indicator of health and therefore attractiveness. Because our skin is exposed to harsh elements daily, it is worth paying a little bit more attention to your skins needs to stop it from premature aging.
Supplying the skin with moisture and lipids
The skin is the human body’s largest organ – a fact not everybody is familiar with. To supply it with all the nutrition it needs, make sure you find the best products for it. Going out of your way to visit a dermatologist, is only needed for extreme cases and many specialists have already bought out products suiting difficult skin types. Dr. med. Christine Schrammek is one example and can be found here. A good moisturizer is advice all specialists will tell you. Especially during the colder periods when the air is not only cold but dry, the skin needs more liquid and moisture in order to stay supple. Increasing your water intake or perhaps experimenting in other strange and extreme methods are factors to look in to. In order to heal irritated skin there are ointments and balms that are worth applying on before applying make-up. Although in saying that, it is usually better to not cover wounds and irritations on the face with cosmetics as this can encourage bacteria growth.
Nutrition and sports
Apart from all the lotions and potions, remember that your skin is an organ, so how you look after your body and what you eat also plays an important role. A well-balanced nutrition, encourages the rejuvenation of skin cells, as well as an improvement in blood circulation (improving that sought after glow!).
Furthermore, supplying the body with enough liquid is vital. We’ve read this in all beauty and health articles but adults should drink about two liters daily. It is nature’s miracle elixir and helps to flush out toxic substances and carry nutrients to the body cells. Needless to say that alcohol and cigarettes don’t do any good to your skin unless you happen to be swimming in it.
It’s usually a lot more easily said than done to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to look after your complexion. Most of us these days live busy and stressful lifestyles making it difficult to drink 2 liters of water, let alone partake in sports on a regular basis. At the end of the day, it all comes down to making sure your lifestyle is balanced instead. With a good complexion acting as the foundation of any beauty regime, making sure it is in tip-top condition not only is an indicator of beauty but also health.
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