Some may not think of broccoli as a beauty food but its actually great for the skin. This gorgeous green is high is Vitamin C which aids in collagen production. As you may know, collagen is what gives our skin its firm structure, literally holding skin cells together. Collagen helps our skin to look firm and youthful; but as we get older our bodies begin to produce less and less collagen and our skin begins to lose its firmness.
Broccoli is high in B2, fiber and antioxidants like sulphuraphane. It’s a deeply cleansing vegetable that not only purifies and stimulates the liver but also cleanses the entire digestive system. By decreasing the level of toxins in the body the entire system is able to work to its full potential. And the less toxins that we have in our system the better our skin looks. Plus the B2 is great for skin, nails and hair because it helps to promote cell growth and accelerate healing.
This green gem is also high is folic acid which is essential for pregnant women. But folic acid is also great for everyone else because it promotes the production of serotonin, a natural mood booster. And when you’re happy you just look better!
One important thing that I must mention is that to get the most out of eating broccoli, it’s best consumed raw. So perhaps try add a few raw broccoli florets to your salad for a healthy boost? If raw food is not your thing then you can try steaming it until it’s still crunchy so that you can get more of the nutrients out of this delicious veggie. Also try to get in at least 3 servings each week so that you can get enough of those skin boosting nutrients in your beautiful bodies!
How often do you incorporate broccoli into your diet?