Never mind that in some Asian cuisines, this particular seed looks less than appetizing. But if you needed the secret to luscious healthy hair, this is it. Black sesame seeds are different from their pale counterparts due to their high levels of essentials minerals, B1 and dietary fibre. These little black studded babies are rich in magnesium and calcium. They are known as liver tonic and helps those who have naturally dry eyes.
Used in Chinese traditional medicine, these seeds are known to reduce inflammation, increases energy and slows aging. It is also known to possess nutrients that promotes cardiovascular and cholesterol healthy and cancer prevention. When it comes to beauty, black sesame is loaded with tocopherols (components of vitamin E) used in anti-aging technology. Anyone who suffers from hair loss must take black sesame seeds. I usually eat some black sesame paste for dessert for a couple of days at a time and I have noticed how darker my hair and how much coverage I have on my scalp. It is also thought to moisturize the skin because of its high oil content.
So next time when you crave a delicious dessert, go to your local Asian supermarket and grab some black sesame paste! Dont let the look fool you!