There is just something about New York City that is pulsating with energy and yet that same city energy can be draining. Many New Yorkers spend their lunch eating at their desks, running from meeting to meeting and sometimes running from work to school. All of these many responsibilities can leave you exhausted and even feeling a little bit neglected, especially in the skin care area. We all have deadlines to meet and items to check off of our checklists. But how often do we add our own needs to that checklist? I know that I’m sometimes guilty that. I always of make sure that my family is taken care of before I am, I can’t help it, it’s just who I am! So when I get a little overwhelmed I take a little spa break. Not only do we have to deal with the stress of life but the pollution in the city is terrible for your skin. A girl just needs to detox and rejuvenate herself from time to time.
Since I was long overdue for a spa trip, a facial to be specific, I booked some time at the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa in Manhattan. Getting regular facials is great for those with problem skin; for me it keeps my pores clear which helps to prevent breakouts and blackheads. But a professional facial also allows you to consult with a skin care specialist who can analyze and recommend treatments that are best for your skin. So really a facial is not just a little luxury but rather a beauty necessity.
The spa is located in Midtown Manhattan but even in the midst of this bustling city, this multi-floor spa is transports you away from the chaos. The spa is modern with minimal decor with bare walls and strategically placed lighting. The usual spa amenities are offered such as an assortment of chilled herbals teas and fruit infused spa water; which are placed on a cart in the waiting area. While at other spas; like Yelo Spa in NYC; I was offered a warm towel for my hands, someone took my coat etc. There wasn’t any of that here. The staff is courteous and professionally pleasant but I wouldn’t exactly say that they were very warm. When checking it at the front desk there was very little eye contact from the receptionist but she wasn’t rude, just not very energetic or overly friendly.
This was my first time getting a facial at the Red Door Spa so I chose the Essential Facial which is a standard customized facial designed to cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate. My esthetician was very warm and pleasant; took the time to explain each step and suggest alternate treatments but didn’t try to upsell me. The entire facial, with the exception of the extractions was very relaxing; the facial included a shoulder and hand massage. The entire facial took about an hour and my skin looked so radiant, it’s amazing how clear your skin looks post-facial! There was only a little redness from the extractions but it disappeared within twenty-four hours.
Overall I was very happy with the quality of the service that I received and I would return again. While I didn’t receive five-star service, the service was quite good and the I was happy with the results. Have you visited any of the Red Door Spas?
The Red Door! So iconic: good for you for taking some me time to establish balance at this busy time
It was so worth it!
I’ve often wondered what is was like because I don’t personally know anyone who has been to EA. I wonder if the staff is the same way at all the Red Door spas.
I’d be curious to see how the staff is at other Red Door spas.