Usually when I attend a show or a presentation there are a few pieces that stick out to me and give me those fashion butterflies- you know, the feeling when an article of clothing makes you quiver. However, I had no idea how to deal with the Alice and Olivia Spring 2014 presentation. Going to an Alice and Olivia presentation is inspiring; the clothes are so damn pretty and styled to perfection that you will find yourself saying “I wanna wear that!”
Almost every piece was what I like to call “tailored pretty.” There were definitely elements of preppiness and romanticism which all attributed to what the brand calls “the American girl-carefree collegiate with a romantic twist.” On three sides of the massive space that is The Highline Stages were different rows of the collection. You had the preppy-pretty-girl row, the beautiful romantic gown row, and the chic-uptown row (all my interpretations). All in all, Stacey Bendet is bad! Bad as in the Michael Jackson “she’s bad” kind of way. See a sampling of the collection below and comment on your thoughts!
Guest Post by Laura of www.blushandbeakers.com
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