If you’ve been following me on twitter then you may have noticed a few of my tweets like this:
Grow, Poppy! Grow! #CoachPoppy #lipstickandluxury www.coach.com/poppyproject
I’m one of the 250+ sites participating in the Coach Poppy Project, an online art project with a grand prize of $2500 Coach shopping spree. As you can see on the right hand side of my blog there are Coach Poppy flowers blooming and if you click on them you can tweet to help make my garden grow. If you spot a Coach poppy bag in the pattern be sure to click on it and you can win a special prize! If I win the contest I will be giving away some Coach goodies to my loyal readers for helping me win!.
So please help me win by tweeting: Grow, Poppy! Grow! #CoachPoppy #lipstickandluxury www.coach.com/poppyproject