While on twitter one of my friends tweeted “”Slave” earrings? Really?”. So of course I had to take a look.
Well it seems that Italian Vogue has found a chic new term for hoop earrings: slave earrings. The editorial reads: Jewellery has always flirted with circular shapes, especially for use in making earrings. The most classic models are the slave and creole styles in gold hoops.
If the name brings to the mind the decorative traditions of the women of colour who were brought to the southern Unites States during the slave trade, the latest interpretation is pure freedom. Colored stones, symbolic pendants and multiple spheres. And the evolution goes on.
Has Italian Vogue lost their minds? Since when has slavery been fashionable? First Italian Vogue features an all black issue and now this.
Can someone please fill me in because I really would like to know.
[UPDATE] – Vogue apologizes for slave earrings translation.
I’m glad they apologized. Again, I wonder if they do these things for attention and shock value as print media is suffering in sales.