A few months ago I was at a media events and I came across a familiar face. It was a blogger that I chatted with from time to time at beauty blogger events. We often shared our love of clean eating, wellness and fitness. And spoke about what worked, what didn’t and of course the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle. So I shared with her my latest discovery, chia seeds. She looked a bit disgusted and told me that I didn’t need to eat that to be healthy. So I simply smiled and continued the conversation because I knew better. Chia seeds are the ish and I’m going to tell you why.
When I first heard about Chia seeds I automatically envisioned the Ch-Ch-Chia Plant! And if you had that thought too then you’re right on target. Chia seeds come from the lovely Chia plants that you see advertised on TV or at your local Target store. When I learned what they were, well I had to do my own research because I’d never heard of actually eating the seeds.
What I learned was that Chia seeds originate from the mint family called Salvia hispanica and they are one of the most nutritious superfoods known to man. You see chia seeds were eaten by the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans, until it was banned by Spanish “discoverers”. Chia seeds were a main dietary staple for Aztec runners because it gave them endurance to run all day, one teaspoon of chia seeds was said to fuel a runner for over 24 hours.
Here’s what Chia seeds can do for you:
- Chia can help to lower blood pressure
- Chia seeds help to cleanse the digestive track; they contain soluble as well as insoluble fiber.
- Chia seeds are the best plant-based source of omega-3 known, containing over 60% essential fatty acids; more than flax-seed. (Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for your body as they are a primary building block of every cell in your body.)
- Chia Seeds have been used to clear skin, improve mood and boost energy
Still not convinced?
- Chia has been used medicinally to relive joint pain
- Chia Seeds have 500% more Calcium than milk
- Chia Seeds have 200% more Iron than Spinach
Still not enough?
- Chia Seeds have 100% more fiber than bran flakes
- Chia Seeds have 300% more Selenium than Flax Seeds
- Chia Seeds have 800% more phosphorus than whole milk
So I guess that I wasn’t able to win you over but I’ll give it one more shot!
- Are you aware that Chia seeds can be used as a diet aid? Chia seeds can hold 10x their weight in water making you feel fuller while filling your body with tons of nutrients.
- Chia Seeds are rich in antioxidants, so rich that their high antioxidant content gives them a shelf life of over 2 years!
- Chia Seeds are vitamin rich containing Vitamin A, Calcium, Niacin, Vitamin C, Iron, Thiamin and B Vitamins.
- Chia (gel) can substitute for half of the butter/oil in any recipe.
I could really go on about the health benefits of eating Chia Seeds but there are just way too many to list. Whenever I need an energy boost, I eat a teaspoon of Chia seeds. When you need a pick me up Chia is where it’s at, Red Bull has nothing on Chia. In fact there is no energy supplement on the market that will give you the energy needed to push through a workout or even just get through a sleep deprived day like Chia Seeds. They’re remarkably tasty and you can even bake and make drinks with Chia Seeds!
So my question to you is, when are you adding Chia Seeds to your diet?
They go in my smoothies every single morning
Lisbet, I’m so happy to hear that you eat them daily. Such a healthy treat!
Wow, I’m sold, but How do they taste? Also do you know of any other ways to eat them other than smoothies/by the spoon.
Excited to try Chia
Hi Crissy,
Great question. Chia Seeds have a great taste, kind of like sunflower seeds mixed with a bit of a nutty flavor, not bitterness at all. Chia seeds can be added to cereal, muffins, breads, pancakes etc when baking. You can also add Chia seeds to any drink that you like, it won’t affect the taste. I’ve even heard of people adding them to stews for a nutritional boost and you can even make pudding out of it, sort of like Tapioca.
Great post! I bought some chia seeds but I didn’t know you could eat them right out of the package – cool!
Thanks Jen! Yes, they’re an edible seed and very tasty.