Welcome to Beauty Blogs Backstage, this month I interviewed Rachel from Retro Urban Rainbow:
1. What is your favorite brand of makeup and why?
I have been a strong fan of Urban Decay for years. All of their products are bold and glittery…so me!
2. How did you come up with you blog name?
I was racking my brain for while and I knew it had to be something involving rainbows and one day this long random combination came me.
3. Who is you celebrity beauty inspiration?
Christina Aguilera has always inspired. She is beyond gorgeous and throughout the years evolved her look. My day to day makeup get inspired from the smallest things like a billboard or the box of juicy fruit.
4. What is your favorite hobby?
I’m a photo whore. I love taking pictures when I’m out with my friends and making it into something creative.
5. What beauty faux pas have you made in the past that you can laugh at now?
The over done eye brows. I used to tweeze so much I barely had any left!
6. How did you learn to do makeup?
I started watching youtube videos then went off on my own. Practice, practice, practice has made me grow as an artist.
7. What beauty trend do you want to disappear?
Anything that has to so with hipsters! GAG!
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